Thursday, April 09, 2009


It's summer. A time when I feel like living on buttermilk and watermelons. I do, most of the time.For the past two days, though, the clouds have slowly formed. It's getting darker, and I know that it's raining somewhere close because the smell of wet mud stimulates my senses. That was two days back. Now the clouds have become darker than ever, you can almost reach up to the skies and scoop some of it and have it for dessert. They are moving, and the momentum is building up. As I finish lab and enter my classroom, the clouds burst with such a great force that one understands the beauty of nature, how the clouds accumulate water - similar to how we conceal our emotions till we can take it no more. Sigh, it's raining finally. The relief from the scorching heat is so great that I have been magically transported to a happy place. As I settle in my seat, sleep slowly creeps in and I start dreaming. A simple dream. No expectations. No worries. No doubts. No fear and definitely no sadness. A bay window, the rain, a cup of hot chocolate, and Iris in the background. Bliss.